中国人、非洲裔美国人共同努力 抵抗新冠病毒疫情
【圣路易时报讯】圣路易中华教育文化中心,圣路易华助中心和百利超市最近向圣路易“普世领袖委员会”(Ecumenical Leadership Council of Mo-St. Louis Chapter)捐赠了1500个口罩,为因新冠病毒引起大流行疫情而避免传染的人提供急需的保护。
普世领袖委员会副主席Rev. Rodrick Burton牧师说:“普世领袖委员会很荣幸被圣路易斯华人社区选中,接收急需的口罩。我们将大部分口罩交给了圣路易过渡希望之家(St. Louis Transitional Hope House),因为我们意识到希望之家所服务的无家可归者是该地区最脆弱的人口。除了为希望之家运送口罩外,我们还向Hodiamont和Martin Luther King的街角处游民分发了口罩。这些口罩将有助于防止病毒传播并挽救生命,其中许多生命是黑人的生命,因此,我们对圣路易华人社区所作拯救生命的慷慨捐赠深表感激和感谢”。
圣路易斯过渡希望之家(执行董事Bonnie Reece女士也对捐赠的口罩表示感谢和感谢。她说:“我们很高兴能够为所有希望之家居民和员工提供充足的口罩,我们感到惊讶和高兴圣路易华人社区和百利超市的慷慨捐赠”。
圣路易中华教育文化中心,圣路易华助中心位于6710 Clayton Road。为圣路易斯地区的无家可归者提供服务的圣路易过渡希望之家地址为1611 Hodiamont。
Chinese organization donates 1500 face masks to the Ecumenical Leadership Council of Mo
St. Louis-Mo; The St. Louis Chinese Education & Cultural Center, Chinese Service Center in St. Louis, and the Olive Market recently donated 1500 face masks to the Ecumenical Leadership Council of Mo-St. Louis Chapter. The masks will provide protection for those seeking to avoid contagion through the pandemic caused by the coronovirus.
Rev. Rodrick Burton, vice president of the Ecumenical Leadership Council said, “the Ecumenical Leadership Council is honored to be chosen by representatives of the St. Louis Chinese community to receive badly needed face masks. We delivered the bulk of the masks to St. Louis Transitional Hope House because we realize that the homeless population served by Hope House is the most vulnerable population in the area. In addition to delivering masks to Hope House, we passed out masks to individuals on the corner of Hodiamont and Dr. Martin Luther King. These masks will be helpful in preventing the spread of the virus as well as saving lives, many of which are Black lives, so we are deeply grateful and thankful for this life-saving donation from representatives of the St. Louis Chinese community for making such a generous donation”.
Ms. Bonnie Reece, Executive Director of St. Louis Transitional Hope House ( also expressed her thanks and gratitude for the donated masks. She remarked, “we were surprised and pleased to be able to provide all residents, and staff, with an adequate supply of face masks. We are grateful to the Chinese community, the Olive Market, and the Ecumenical Leadership Council for selecting our agency to receive the masks.
The St. Louis Chinese Education & Cultural Center and the Chinese Service Center in St. Louis are located at 6710 Clayton Road. St. Louis Transitional Hope House, now known as Hope House STL, serves the homeless population in the St. Louis area, and is located at 1611 Hodiamont.