【圣路易时报讯】圣路易华盛顿大学一年级新生Alexander Raimo日前透过律师,状告华盛顿大学,要求华大将他的春季班学费约两万八千美元退还,退还的原因是因为学校在新冠病毒疫情爆发时关闭了学校,而以线上远距教学教课。
这项要求退学费的诉讼是由一家名叫Hagens Berman的律师事务所代理,这家律师事务所四月下旬以来已经针对Emory,Duke,George Washington,Boston,Brown and Vanderbilt universities以及南加大大学等提起类似的讨回学费诉讼。
而这位华大新生Alexander Raimo来自纽泽西州,曾在华大参加过一些社团活动。在诉讼状中他表示,由于看到华盛顿大学学术排名在前,同时还能提供Olin商学院所宣传的小班授课制,和与同学、教授互动学习的机会,他才选择进入了华盛顿大学。
但是新冠病毒疫情以后,华大校园关闭,所有讲座换成视频远距教学,上课时间也有缩短。诉讼状上说,Alexander Raimo无法在校园里接受教授的教学和同学们团队学习,反而必须接受独立的视频远距教学学习课程。
Since classes have been moved to online instruction, will students be reimbursed for tuition?
Because students will be completing their academic coursework online and receiving credit toward their degree programs, tuition will not be reimbursed. The university continues to operate during this time, with faculty still teaching classes and completing normal activities, with regular support from staff within the schools. Students will continue to receive academic instruction from the same faculty members, albeit in a modified environment, for academic credit, and we will continue to provide academic support services and resources remotely. In addition, the university is absorbing the additional costs of delivering online coursework during challenging circumstances. We appreciate everyone’s flexibility and patience as we navigate this sudden and unprecedented situation.