国殇日长周末 Lake of the Ozarks人潮惊爆 不遵守社交距离
【圣路易时报讯】为期3天的阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)假期期间(5月23日- 5月25日),密苏里州欧扎克斯湖(Lake of the Ozarks)一间酒吧餐厅旁的泳池派对人潮惊爆,不遵守社交距离,不戴口罩,新闻登上美国媒体头版新闻,有大约1000万人点阅。
圣路易郡郡长Dr. Sam Page今天(5月25日,周一)下午透过郡卫生局,紧急发布旅游警告表示,如果有人出门旅游不保持6英尺社交距离,不戴口罩,或是有与任何生病迹象的人接触,就算没有COVID-19生病症状,都需要在家自我隔离14天,或者接受新冠病毒检测阴性才得上班或外出。
St. Louis County Department of Public Health 2019 Novel Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) Advisory to Residents and Employers Regarding Holiday Weekend Activities
The St. Louis County Department of Public Health’s (“DPH”) ability to continue the business reopening process depends on members of our community following the recommended social distancing practices. Recent news reports indicate that many people, including those from the St. Louis region, did not follow any protective practices over the holiday weekend. Many members of the public and employers have asked how to ensure that people who do not follow social distancing practices do not spread COVID-19 to others when they return to St. Louis and to their workplace.
To protect the public health of the people of St. Louis County, DPH issues this travel advisory. This advisory applies to all of the following:
- Were those you traveled with or spent time with while away from home within 6 feet of others during your trip? Being within 6 feet of others increases your chances of getting infected and infecting others. Did those individuals wear face coverings?
- Are you or those you were traveling with more likely to get very ill from COVID19? Older adults and people of any age who have a serious underlying medical condition are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
- Do you live with someone who is more likely to get very ill from COVID-19? If you get infected while traveling you can spread COVID-19 to loved ones when you return, even if you don’t have symptoms.
- If you get sick with COVID-19, will you have to miss work? People with COVID-19 disease need to stay home until they are no longer considered infectious, for at least 14 days.
Any person who has travelled and engaged in this behavior should self-quarantine for 14 days or until they receive a negative test result for COVID-19. As all current DPH guidance recommends that employers screen employees for health risks, employers should also consider adding a question related to recent travels and social distancing behaviors.