On August 4th, 2020, STL County voters will pick the democratic nominee for the next St. Louis County Executive. The county faces unprecedented challenges in race relations, economic development, public safety, and pandemic preparedness, all of which require strong leadership.
The Asian American youth civic engagement group AACS (www.asianamericancivicscholars.com) invited all four candidates for a one-on-one interview from an Asian/youth perspective over the weekend. Topics ranged from the pandemic, violence and community safety, race relations, Asian representation in county government, to name a few. This group hopes that initiatives like this will motivate more Asian votes in the region to vote in the upcoming elections.
All four candidates made a genuine effort to make a case for the nomination, and to build a connection with the Asian community. Check out the interviews! Let’s get out EVERY Asian vote in STL!!
圣路易郡郡长党内初选将于8月4日(周二)举行,共有四位民主党候选人登记参选,分别是2018年以些微票数与郡长一职失之交臂的Mark Mantovani,现任郡长Dr. Sam Page,初次出现在圣路易斯郡政坛的来自大学城的Jamie Tolliver,以及现任郡估税长Jake Zimmerman。
就大家关心的新冠疫情现状,现任郡长提到了问题的严重性,介绍了接下来抗疫工作的重点,也向高中生们介绍了他面对疫情工作及重要决策的处理方式,另外几位候选人也纷纷提出了他们对于疫情工作的观点,其中估税长Jake Zimmerman提出他非常反对将新冠病毒说成是’中国病毒China virus‘或者’功夫流感kungflu’,并对亚裔社区在疫情期间受到的各种负面影响甚至人身安全的威胁表示关注。
以下是四个采访的视频,参加此次视讯采访会议的学生有:Stephanie Lei, Catherine Liao, Larry Qian, Kaitlyn Tran, Michael Tu, Katie Xu, Jenny Yang 等。
Dr. Sam Page Mark Mantovani
Dr. Sam Page’s interview (07/24/2020)
Mr. Mark Mantovani’s interview (07/24/2020)
Jake Zimmerman Jamie Tolliver
Mr. Jake Zimmerman’s interview (07/25/2020)
Ms. Jamie Tolliver’s interview (07/26/2020)
AACS (Asian American Civic Scholars)是一个2018年新成立的圣路易斯亚裔中学生组织,宗旨在于鼓励亚裔青年热心参与社区服务(volunteering) ,关注社会议题并参与社区事务(activism) ,并通过与各族裔的学生及组织合作而增强领导能力(leadership)。 发起者是一群来自圣路易地区各高中的热心于服务亚裔社区,并有志锻炼领导能力的高中生。组织网站为www.asianamericancivicscholars.com