Attention SSI and other federal benefit recipients who did not file 2018 or 2019 tax returns and who have qualifying children under 17 – It’s not too late! Take Action Now!
The IRS has extended deadlines to help children and adults get their Economic Impact Payments (EIP) by using its Non-Filer Tool.
- You must act by September 30th to get $500 EIPs for your child this year.
- Most adult Social Security and SSI beneficiaries have already received their EIPs. Adults who started receiving their monthly Social Security or SSI payment on or after January 1, 2020 should receive their $1,200 EIP from the IRS on or by November 6, 2020 without taking action with the IRS. Other adult federal benefit recipients must act by October 15th to get their $1,200 EIP this year.
Please read the latest from the IRS and take action now if appropriate.
Read and Act Now
照理说来每一位有社会安全号码(上面没有注明不得工作字样 – NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT)和社会安全收入的符合发放资格者成人都应该已经收到第一轮纾困金1200元支票,如果还没有,而且您也没有在2019年报税,您必须在10月15日前使用国税局网站未报税网页(上述同一网页)输入资料开始申请纾困金1200元支票。