圣路易斯华助中心和圣路易现代中文学校再次联袂,将在11月1日周日下午(中午十二点到四点),在现代中文学校(6710 Clayton Road, Richmond Heights, 63117) 停车场举行免费流感疫苗及新冠测试的社区服务日。
通过我们的努力,此次服务由圣路易郡公共健康部门(STL County Dept of Public Health) 免费提供(资金来自联邦政府的CARES经费),仅需网上登记,无需医疗保险,也无需下车。
- 1. https://stlcorona.com/
- 2. 新冠测试选择 “COVID-19 Testing”,流感疫苗选择 “Flu Shot Scheduling”
- 3. 选择现代中文学校的地址选项,并选择合适的时间
6710 Clayton Rd, 63117
Chinese Service Center of St. Louis COVID and Flu Pop-Up - 4. 如同一家庭有多位成员,需每位都在网上登记。
As the flu season approaches, public health officials are preparing communities for a possible ‘twin-demic” where a surge in both COVID and seasonal flu cases further overwhelms the system. Flu vaccination is a key tool in this battle. The Chinese Service Center of St. Louis and the Chinese Education and Culture Center are collaborating with the County Department of Public Health to offer a FREE “COVID Testing and Flu Shot” to any community member. No insurance is required; those who need either, or both, need to register online with information like: Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, etc.
- 1. Visit https://stlcorona.com/
- 2. Choose “COVID-19 Testing” or “Flu Shot Scheduling”, or you can complete both registration.
- 3. Choose the following testing/flu shot site, and a time that works for you
6710 Clayton Rd, 63117
Chinese Service Center of St. Louis COVID and Flu Pop-Up - 4. Note: Each member of a household needs a separate registration.