The March 16th shootings in Atlanta left 8 killed, 6 of whom were Asian women. This senseless act of violence left Asian communities across the U.S. devastated, and many paralyzed with fear.
Times like this call for unity. The Chinese Service Center at St. Louis and Chinese Education and Culture Center call on our STL Asian American partner organizations, community members, and allies, to join us in a vigil at 7-8pm on Saturday, 03/20/2021, in the parking lot of 6710 Clayton Road, Richmond Height. Together we will stand united in mourning of the lives lost, offer condolences to the victims and their families, and reaffirm our condemnation of anti-Asian violence and hate in the strongest language possible.
This is a public event and we are working with local authorities, including Richmond Heights police and city council to discuss logistics and safety measures. Please follow protocols on mask wearing and social distancing if you will be in attendance.
在這個時候,我們聖路易華助中心、聖路易中華教育文化中心聯合社區其他亞裔及少數裔社區組織決定在本週六,3月20日晚7:00-8:00開始,在位於6710 Clayton Road,Richmond Height的聖路易現代中文學校停車場舉行燭光集會,悼念無辜逝去的生命,呼籲社會廣泛關注針對亞裔的犯罪,團結全美人民向仇恨和犯罪宣戰!