First in History – St. Louis African American/Asian American Collaborative Meeting
這次歷史創舉會議是由聖路易華助中心理事劉敏,和聖路易普世領導委員會會長 (President of the Ecumenical Leadership Council of Missouri—St. Louis Chapter) Lawrence M. Wooten主教共同籌辦,邀請亞裔和非裔社區各社團組織領導及代表參加。
當天出席參加會議的有韓國榮譽領事法官Judy Draper(線上),聖路易郡郡議會議長Rita Days,聖路易郡檢察長Wesley Bell,非裔社區律師、牧師及亞裔社區社團組織代表等約25人。
主教Lawrence M. Wooten在會中表示,這次會議是歷史性的第一次,在歷史上,聖路易亞裔和非裔之間從未認真的會晤過,經由這次會議和與會人員的相互介紹,非裔和亞裔社區不再遙不可及,而是可以相互學習,成為商業夥伴、鄰居和朋友。
First in History – St. Louis African American/Asian American Collaborative Meeting
Saturday April 4, 2021
St. Louis-Mo., Leaders from the African American, and Asian American communities, met over the weekend to discuss issues regarding race-based discrimination, and the escalation of violent attacks confronting Blacks and Asians. Of immediate concern is the frequency of anti-Asian activities happening throughout the country.
The meeting was organized by Min Liu, of the Modern Chinese School, and Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten, president of the Ecumenical Leadership Council of Missouri—St. Louis Chapter. Participants included Judge Judy Draper (by Zoom), County Chairperson Rita Days, County Prosecutor Wesley Bell, Atty. Kenneth Powell lll, Rev. Charles Norris, Rev. Anthony Witherspoon, Minster Donald Muhammad, Caroline Fan (by Zoom), Emanul Haque, Frances Barbieri, Han Ko, Hong Shangwen, Howard Tsui, Larry Huang, Ming Fang, Robert Chuhan, Ron Sakai, Satish Nanjappa, Thao Dao, Yimin Zhu, Yingwen Huang, Yong Moon Park, and Fatima Khan.
Asian participants represented voices from the Chinese, Korean, Indian, Japanese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Bangladesh, and Buddhist communities.
Participating organizations were the Bangladesh Association of Greater St. Louis, Missouri Asian American Bar Association, Asian American Chamber of Commerce-St. Louis Chapter, Japanese American Citizen’s League of St. Louis, Korean American Association of St. Louis, St. Louis Vietnamese Community, Chinese Education and Culture Center of St. Louis, Indian Association of St. Louis, Taiwanese American Association of St. Louis, South Asian Bar Association of St. Louis, and representatives from the Nepalese community.
Bishop Wooten stated that this meeting was a historic first. He said, “In the history of St. Louis, there has never been a serious meeting between leaders from the Black and Asian communities. This meeting will present the participants with a platform from which to discuss common concerns and explore opportunities to collaborate. Instead of being distant citizens, Blacks and Asians can learn to be business partners, neighbors, and friends”.
Min Liu, agreed with Bishop Wooten. She added that “our two communities and cultures have so much to offer each other. We need to know each other, and to defend each other when confronted by racial hate”.
The meeting concluded with the call for the development of three committees, and an agreement to schedule the next meeting within the 30 days.