by: We Can Do This 新冠肺炎公共教育活动
- 每天通过冥想、听音乐、做园艺或其他爱好放松身心。尝试新事物,并从中选择你最喜欢的事情,让它成为你日常活动的一部分。
- 多和家人及朋友联系,获取家人和朋友的支持,并和他们分享自己的感受。通过网络或电话保持和家人及朋友的联系,或者和小区里的邻居聊天,都有助于建立你与世界的联系,消除孤独感。
- 让体育锻炼成为你日常生活的一部分。通过体育锻炼保持健康并不一定需要办健身卡。跳舞、散步、甚或在自己的院子里劳作或在家里搞卫生,都可以改善你的情绪和整体的健康状况。
- 健康饮食尽可能多买新鲜水果和蔬菜。逛逛农贸市场,买一样你没吃过的蔬菜,或者尝试一种新的食谱,都是在你的饮食中加入更多新鲜食物的好办法。
- 确保接种了各种最新疫苗,特别是新冠肺炎疫苗。完整接种新冠肺炎疫苗可巩固随着时间推移逐渐变弱的免疫保护,让你可以健健康康的参与自己喜欢的活动。
「接种最新新冠肺炎疫苗不仅可以降低你患长新冠的风险,还可以让人们继续做他们喜欢的事情,包括远足旅行或家庭聚会,而不用担心病毒传染,对自己和他人的健康更加放心 」,Chinese Hospital Clinics (三藩市东华医院) 医学总监,家庭医学科医生Scott Huang博士说。
One A Day: Small Daily Acts of Self-Care Go a Long Way to Health
By the We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign
The Lunar New Year has started, and spring is in sight. As the days start to lengthen, it is a good time to tend to your overall health and well-being, including your mental health, by practicing daily acts of self-care.
Mental health and physical health are closely related. Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being affect how we think, feel, and act. Caring for all parts of ourselves helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.
Making small healthy choices each day can build habits and make a difference as we move out of winter and into spring. Here are some self-care activities you can fit into your daily routine:
- Take breaks to unwind through meditation, music, gardening, or new hobbies. Try new things and make the ones that make you feel good a regular part of your week.
- Find ways to connect with family and friends, get support, and share your feelings. Staying in touch with friends and family online or with a phone call or chatting with a neighbor outside can help you connect and keep you from feeling isolated.
- Make physical activity part of your daily life. Tending to your health through physical activity doesn’t require a gym membership. Dancing, taking a walk, or even working in your yard or cleaning house can improve your mood and your overall health.
- Treat yourself to healthy foods. Splurge when you can on fresh fruits and vegetables. Finding a vegetable that you’ve never had before at a farmer’s market or trying a new recipe can be a fun way to include more fresh food in your diet.
- Make sure you are up to date on vaccines, especially COVID-19 vaccines. Updated COVID vaccines can restore protection that may have waned over time and keep you healthy to participate in activities you enjoy.
“Staying current on COVID vaccines not only reduces the risk of getting long COVID, but it also allows people to continue doing the things they love from hiking to family gatherings with extra peace of mind about their health and the health of others” said Dr. Scott Huang, D.O., Family Medicine, Medical Director of Chinese Hospital Clinics.
Move into spring, a time of renewal, with a renewed commitment to healthy habits and actions.
For more information about COVID vaccines and to find a vaccine near you, visit