Retired Missouri Supreme Court Judge George W. Draper III to Join St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office
Judge Draper to Become Chief of Training Oct. 23, 2023
【聖路易時報訊】密蘇里州最高法院首席大法官George Draper 退休, 退休慶祝會定11月17日(週五)晚間6時在聖路易城區 Thompson Coburn 舉行。George Draper 大法官將於10月23日接任聖路易巡迴檢察官辦公室培訓主管。
George Draper 大法官曾於1984 年至1994年在聖路易巡迴檢察官辦公室工作,當時他被任命為第21區(聖路易斯郡)司法巡迴法院的副巡迴法官。他於1998年被任命為巡迴法官,並於 2000年被任命為密蘇里州東區上訴法院法官。2011年,Draper 法官被前州長 Jay Nixon 任命為密蘇里州最高法院法官。Draper 法官在聖路易大學法學院教授審判辯護已有20餘年。
George Draper 大法官的韓裔夫人 Judy Draper 也是一位法官, 他們夫婦經常參加聖路易地區亞裔社區各項活動,積極融入社區,深受各界愛戴。他們的女兒 Chelsea Draper 也是一名律師和前檢察官。
ST. LOUIS, MO (October 3, 2023) — Retired Missouri Supreme Court Judge George W. Draper III will join the Office of the St. Louis Circuit Attorney as Chief Training Officer on October 23, 2023.
“It is a rare honor to have a man of Judge Draper’s impeccable character and vast legal expertise return to his roots in this office to train our team,” said Gore. “He will provide our attorneys with an incomparable education that not only will promote excellence while they are in this office, but also serve them well for the rest of their careers. I can think of no better role model for those who are drawn to the call of public service in the criminal justice system.”
“I welcome the opportunity to work with prosecutors on Gabe Gore’s team and share the knowledge I have gained from my years in the courtroom – on both sides of the bench,” Judge Draper said. “My initiation into the profession and service to our community was through this office, so this is a homecoming of sorts for me. I am excited to step into a new role as a mentor and help shape the next generation of trial practitioners.”
Draper worked in the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s office, from 1984-1994, when he was appointed to the bench as associate circuit judge in the 21st Judicial Circuit (St. Louis County). He was appointed in 1998 as circuit judge and in 2000 as judge of the Eastern District Missouri Court of Appeals. In 2011, Judge Draper was appointed to the Supreme Court of Missouri by former Gov. Jeremiah “Jay” Nixon. Judge Draper has been teaching trial advocacy at St. Louis University School of Law for more than 20 years.
Judge Draper is a graduate of Morehouse College, an HBCU in Atlanta, Georgia. He received his law degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C. After law school, Judge Draper was a law clerk to fellow Saint Louisan, the Hon. Shellie Bowers, in the District of Columbia Superior Court.
He is a member of the Missouri Bar, the Mound City Bar Association and the Missouri Lawyer’s Association. He is vice president of the board of Covenant Community Church and a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. He is married to former Associate Circuit Judge Judy P. Draper, 21st Judicial Circuit. They have one child, Chelsea W. Draper, who also is an attorney and former prosecutor.