
聖路易藝術博物館任命 David M. Shearrer 擔任發展和對外關係助理總監
SLAM appoints David M. Shearrer assistant director for development and external relations

David M. Shearrer, assistant director of development and external relations

ST. LOUIS, Oct. 23, 2023—The Saint Louis Art Museum has named David M. Shearrer assistant director for development and external relations, bringing more than 30 years of fundraising experience in the St. Louis region to the role. He will oversee the museum’s philanthropic giving, sponsorship, membership and marketing initiatives.

“I am delighted to have David join the Saint Louis Art Museum leadership team at a critical time as we build on the strong momentum of the past year,” said Min Jung Kim, the museum’s Barbara B. Taylor Director. “David has deep connections to the St. Louis region, and his wealth of knowledge and experience in philanthropy will truly be a great asset to our ongoing and future initiatives.”

Shearrer served in a number of development leadership positions at Washington University over the last 19 years, including his role as associate vice chancellor for medical alumni and development. He previously worked in development positions at the Saint Louis Children’s Hospital Foundation and Missouri Baptist University.

He holds a bachelor of accountancy degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia, and a master of business administration degree from Webster University.

Shearrer began at the museum on Oct. 16.

The appointment is the culmination of an extensive national search led by Arts Consulting Group, a leading provider of hands-on management consulting services to the arts and culture industry.