About US

Founded in 1990, the St. Louis Chinese American News (St. Louis Chinese Newspaper) is Missouri’s largest, most widely-read weekly bilingual newspaper dedicated to Asian / Chinese community.

St. Louis Chinese American News is Missouri MBE/WBE (Minority-Owned Business Enterprise) certified & OA/OEO (Office of Equal Opportunity) certified #2121.

The St. Louis Chinese newspaper publishes 6,000 copies every Thursday, and distributes them, free, at more than 50 locations throughout St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County and portions of Illinois. The Chinese American now reaches an impressive 80-85% of Asian /Chinese households in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

The St. Louis Chinese newspaper serves the community more than 30 years, and is rapidly gaining more and more local, regional and national acclaim. A niche publication, the St. Louis Chinese American News provides readers with information that is important and relevant to them…information from a Chinese American perspective.

Whether it’s hard news, religion news, entertainment, sports, or profiles of successful local Chinese Americans in business, health care or public service, the St. Louis Chinese American News provides a unique vehicle, unmatched in the Midwest, that gives Chinese Americans a credible voice.

Through the combination of the weekly St. Louis Chinese newspaper (28-32 pages), website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and annual publication: St. Louis Chinese American Yellow Page (250+ pages Chinese phone directory, 10,000 copies) and Chinese New Year Special Issue (32 pages), the St. Louis Chinese American New is becoming the leading source of information for Asian / Chinese Americans in the bi-state area.

Advertising and Partnership Opportunity

If you would like to promote your business and services to Asian community, you are in right time and at right place. We are just a phone call (314 780 1008) or email (news.may@gmail.com) away or you can CONTACT US anytime. It’s easy to get in touch with us! All phone calls will be answered right away and all web requests will be replied within a few minutes to a maximum of 24 hours.

We offer a very competitive price with packages to our valued customers, like you.


  • 平面印刷媒體(聖路易時報),
  • 網際網路媒體(SCANews.com / USMeng.com) 和
  • 微信公眾號(WeChat ID: scannews) 三合一之全功能新媒體

立足聖路易,面向全世界,報導正消息、傳播正能量,進入大眾傳播媒體新紀元。歡迎免費訂閱聖路易時報 (FREE Subscribe )

【聖路易時報】關注美國夢 微信平台二維碼 WeChat QR code

聖路易時報 SCANews.com 1990年創刊,發行六千份,是聖路易斯地區歷史最悠久之第一份華文報紙,深受華人社區及主流社會喜愛與敬重。

時報‧關注美國夢網站 USMeng.com 1997年架設開始,2015年全面改版升級,專注移民和留學美國,內容優質精采,網站點擊逾萬,傳播無遠弗屆。

關注美國夢 微信公眾 (WeChat Id: scannews) 2015年上線建立微信公眾號,經由上千關注互動,即時發送更精采更優質內容,邁向新媒體更大期望。

聖路易時報‧關注美國夢 是一個全功能,成熟開放專業的新聞媒體,歡迎您隨時和我們聯繫,電話 314-780-1008,電郵 news.may@gmail.com 共同打造華人新世界。

聖路易時報‧關注美國夢 提供平面媒體報紙廣告,網際網路廣告和微信平台廣告,歡迎與我們攜手合作,全面提升促銷您的商務。

請電 314-780-1008
電郵 news.may@gmail.com

St. Louis Chinese American News
1751 Burns Ave., Suite 101
St. Louis, MO 63132

聖路易時報宗旨: 僑學喉舌 社區橋樑 文化薪傳 脈動相連

【圣路易时报】二维码 SCANews QR code



聖路易時報以周報型式發行,每週20至26頁,並附英文版,同時每年發行聖路易華人電話簿,1997年架設時報網站 www.SCANews.com,發行無遠弗屆。



2015年,網站改版,推出關注美國夢新版www.USMeng.com,通過微信平台, 提升時報讀者群並將發行範圍擴展至全美和中國大陸,分享你我最真情的故事,讓美國夢展翅高飛,美夢成真!

由平面媒體走向網路視聽傳播,由平面排版設計到網際網路微信公眾號平台(WeChat ID: scannews),聖路易時報掌握前瞻趨勢,在傳統中尋求突破,在海外僑報發展史中展現出特有的光芒。

關注美國夢 – 聖路易時報

Advertising Inquiries 廣告查詢刊登,投稿:

聖路易時報‧關注美國夢 提供平面媒體報紙廣告,國際網路廣告和微信平台廣告,歡迎與我們攜手合作,全面提升促銷您的商務。
請電 314-780-1008
電郵 news.may@gmail.com

來稿請投至 news.may@gmail.com,並附上刊登筆名,個人聯絡資料及作者簡介。如有任何其他問題,亦歡迎透過電郵和我們聯絡接洽,您的投稿將在我們審核後發表在聖路易時報,網站,微信等平台上。

Telephone: 1.314.780.1008
EMail: news.may@gmail.com

St. Louis Chinese American News
1751 Burns Ave., Suite 101
St. Louis, MO 63132

Product Suggestions and Feedback:

We are constantly expanding and improving our products and services. If you have any suggestion or feedback about our product or service, please let us know via our Online Form.

Partnership Inquiries:

We like to partner with our affiliates to promote Asian business and services. Please contact us via our Online Form.