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2025年度圣路易斯女性艺术家远见奖揭晓 致敬女性艺术力量的璀璨时刻 Saint Louis Visionary Awards for Women in the Arts Names 2025 Honorees

Left to right (back row):
Adrienne Davis, Sarah Paulsen, Adelia Parker-Castro, Marie-Hélène Bernard
Left to Right (front row): Sukanya Mani, Katie Banister
Photo Credit: Lois Ingrum

【圣路易时报讯】2025年度圣路易斯远见奖(Saint Louis Visionary Awards)日前宣布女性艺术获奖者名单:Katie Banister(艺术创新者)、Sukanya Mani(社区影响艺术家)、Adrienne Davis(艺术重大贡献者)、Marie-Hélène Bernard(杰出艺术专业人士)、Adelia Parker-Castro(杰出教学艺术家)以及Sarah Paulsen(杰出职业艺术家)。


“我们社区中艺术家和艺术支持者的才华深度与力量,是我们作为一个地区的重要优势。远见奖使这种强大的力量变得可见、有价值,并得到认可。”圣路易斯远见奖主席Roseann Weiss表示,“2025年的获奖者在艺术领域取得了变革性的成就。她们真正具有远见卓识,我们很高兴能够表彰她们并展示她们的工作。”

2025年度圣路易斯远见奖庆典将于4月21日(星期一)举行。活动将在Grand Center的Sun Theater进行,节目于晚上6点开始,随后7点举行招待会。届时,艺术筹款人兼志愿者Miran Halen和Ameren公司高级副总裁、首席可持续发展、多样性与慈善事务专员Gwen Mizell将担任晚会的联合主持人。




ST. LOUIS – Saint Louis Visionary Awards is proud to recognize the 2025 Visionary honorees: Katie Banister (Arts Innovator), Sukanya Mani (Community Impact Artist), Adrienne Davis (Major Contributor to the Arts), Marie-Hélène Bernard (Outstanding Arts Professional), Adelia Parker-Castro (Outstanding Teaching Artist), and Sarah Paulsen (Outstanding Working Artist).

The Saint Louis Visionary Awards is one of the most prestigious recognitions in the regional arts community. Saint Louis Visionary Awards celebrates the outstanding contributions, achievements, and excellence of women who work in or support the arts in St. Louis.

“The depth of talent and the power of the artists and arts supporters in our community is a profound part of our strength as a region. The Visionary Awards make this powerful force visible, valued, and recognized. The 2025 honorees are accomplishing transformational work in the arts.” said Roseann Weiss, Chair of the Saint Louis Visionary Awards. “They are truly visionary and we are excited to honor them and highlight their work.”

The 2025 Saint Louis Visionary Awards Celebration is Monday, April 21st. The program starts at 6:00 p.m. followed by a reception at 7:00 p.m. at the Sun Theater in Grand Center. Miran Halen (Arts fundraiser and volunteer) and Gwen Mizell (Senior Vice President, Chief Sustainability, Diversity, and Philanthropy Officer for Ameren Corporation) are the Co-Hosts for the evening.

For additional information about the Saint Louis Visionary Awards sponsorship opportunities and ticket information, visit www.vizawards.org. Individual tickets are available for $50.

About the Saint Louis Visionary Awards:

The Saint Louis Visionary Awards was relaunched in 2014 by an independent committee of women (many past Visionaries) to celebrate the numerous contributions and achievements of women who work in or support the arts in St. Louis. The Saint Louis Visionary Awards is a 501(c)(3) organization and has a committed board of directors who take great joy in honoring women working in the arts ranging from established arts professionals and arts educators to emerging artists and community impact artists. The board of directors also offers angel fund tickets to members in our community who may not otherwise be able to attend the celebration.