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圣路易中文学校2022秋季课程安排 – 少儿中文课程, 少儿课外活动课程


圣路易中文学校自建校以来,就以坚实的中文课基础和丰富的课外活动课而著称。中文部包括中文简体班和双语班。中文课堂实行小班教学,灵活运用现代教学App,通过游戏,视频欣赏,科学地安排教材中的字、词、句、篇章等内容,由浅入深、循序渐进地设置家庭练习,学以致用,培养学生的学习兴趣,启发学生积极思考,提高学生运用中文的能力。 学校秋季学期会举行演讲比赛,锻炼学生的口语表达能力;春季学期会举行中文水平考试,检验学生的中文能力,鼓励学生学习中文的热情。


报名:圣路易中文学校 www.stlcls.org
电话:(314) 325-6971 Text preferred



老师: Paul Lee
时间: 周日下午3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
你的孩子是不是天天打游戏,小小年纪就戴上眼镜? 呆在家里一动不动,不断发胖,也不会和人交流?来,习武吧!Paul Lee 师傅有20年教功夫的经验,不仅仅自身洪家拳功夫硬桥硬马,而且非常善于和孩子们交流。习武除了可以强身健体,更可以增强自信,小中男/小中女们在这里传承中华文化,在未来的竞争中立于不败之地。

Traditional Chinese kung fu
Teacher: Paul Lee
Time: Sunday 3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
Mr. Paul Lee teaches traditional southern Chinese martial arts called Hung Ga 洪家拳. We focus on both the physical and mental health benefits of the art to achieve the perfect balance.  We teach self-defense, kung fu forms both empty hand and weapons, and Chinese kung fu techniques.   Students also learn both Chinese culture and health cultivation.  The instructor, Sifu Paul Lee has a bachelor’s degree in physical education and doctorate in chiropractic. He formally trained in Chinese martial arts for over 20 years. He travels to Hong Kong and San Francisco annually to update his knowledge.


老师: 田静
时间: 周日下午3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
你家的孩子是不是在熟人面前如龙似虎,但是一出门就都蔫了?他/她是不是听到鼓点就会想动?圣路易中文学校秋季隆重推出青少年街舞/现代舞。孩子们可以通过学习西方现代hip hop 及相关基础健身舞,培养乐感及对现代舞的感觉,最重要的是通过肢体语言表达自我而提高自信心,提高情商以及表现力。圣路易达人田静老师热力四射,感召力强,有长期教学和与学生互动的经验,报名从速!

Kids Cardio Dance
Teacher: Jing Tian
Time: Sunday 3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
C pop, J pop, K pop, make it pop! Ms. Tian will lead the street dance/modern hip hop and other cardio movements. Her high energy, combined with experience in teaching, will inspire kids to express self through rhythm and movements. Our promise: your kid will be exhausted yet excited at the end of each class.


老师: Paul Lee
时间: 周日下午4:15 PM – 5 PM
圣路易中文学校的舞狮子队历史悠久,阵容强大,去年连续参加了州政府, 马拉松,中华日,等许多大型表演节目。秋季是一年一度的招生季节,要求12岁以上,能够坚持出勤,能够参加表演。
Lion Dance Team
Teacher: Paul Lee
Time: Sunday 4:15 PM – 5 PM
Mr. Paul Lee and his students will lead the lion dance team practices. The team already has numerous
performance opportunities lined up. This is once per year opportunity to sign up. Require commitment to practices and performances. Age 12+. Hurry!

Python I – (age: 10+)

老师: 杨仕臣
时间: 周日下午3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
课程内容设计: 计算机编程语言Python. 不要求编程经验。
本科, 研究生毕业于清华大学, 博士毕业于佐治亚理工, 从1999年起从事计算机软件开发工作. 有丰富的计算机编程经验, 精通各种计算机语言, 比如C++, C#,Python ….
Python I – (age: 10+)
Teacher: Shichen Yang
Time: Sunday 3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
Teach student basic information about python programing which includes variables, data types, Functions, loops and conditions, object-oriented programing principle, basic drawing functions with python. At the end of the class, student will have a basic understanding of python programing language write python programs to solve simple problems.

Python II

老师: 杨仕臣
时间: 周日下午4:15 PM – 5 PM
课程内容设计: 计算机编程语言Python, 要求完成Python I.
本科, 研究生毕业于清华大学, 博士毕业于佐治亚理工, 从1999年起从事计算机软件开发工作. 有丰富的计算机编程经验, 精通各种计算机语言, 比如C++, C#,Python ….
Python II
Teacher: Shichen Yang
Time: Sunday 4:15 PM – 5 PM
Python I as pre-requisite. Teach student basic information about python programing which includes variables, data types, Functions, loops and conditions, object-oriented programing principle, basic drawing functions with python. At the end of the class, student will have a basic understanding of python programing language write python programs to solve simple problems.


老师: 徐旭
时间: 周日下午4:15 PM – 5 PM
● 面向零基础的学员, 只需能看电脑、点击鼠标、认识十个阿拉伯数字和26个英文字母即可
● 教授 chess (国际象棋)的基本规则,技巧,如何记录棋谱.
1996年清华大学毕业. 2000年来美国读Computer Science 硕士. 9年前我儿子第一次接触国际象棋,很感兴趣, 问我能不能教他. 我很早以前就接触过国际象棋, 既是教他也是自己很好的复习. 这几年带着儿子下了不少比赛,学习了不少东西, 包括如何注册比赛, 记录棋谱, 查USCF (US Chess Federation) 积分记录等等, 我自己的下棋水平也有提高. 这次很高兴能有机会给大家服务.
Teacher: Xu Xu
Time: Sunday 4:15 PM – 5 PM
No experience is required. As long as you can use mouse, count fingers and toes, you can play chess. If you are pretty good, we will find a match for you. C’mon, learn and have fun with other kids!


老师: Lani Bergantie
时间: 网课-时间由老师与学生安排
课程内容设计: 全程英语教学
目前在University of Texas at Dallas 就读,主修生物医学工程。ACT English 35 分(满分36), Reading 36 分(满分36)。高中校刊编辑。虽然专业是理工,但写作一向是强项,并以优秀的作文获得多项大学奖学金。
Creative Writing (Grade 6-8)
Teacher: Lani Bergantie
Time: Zoom Meeting – time to be arranged between the teacher and students In this class, students will analyze different types of literature and practice writing on the topics that are interesting to them. They will sharpen their creative writing skills in ideas, vivid descriptions, voice or tones, and mechanics as
well, through a variety of writing exercises. All-English teaching. Lani is currently studying at the University of Texas at Dallas, majoring in biomedical engineering. ACT English 35 points (full score 36), Reading 36 points (full score 36). High school journal editor. Although her major is engineering, writing has always been a strong point, and she has won many university scholarships for her excellent composition.

儿童声乐 (age: 5-12)

老师: 王玉
时间: 周日下午3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
王玉老师毕业于沈阳女子艺术专科学校, 声乐表演专业. 曾参加很多地方大型演出,多次担任独唱和报幕的工作. 本人音乐特色,对于美声唱法, 戏曲唱腔和通俗唱法有较强的能力. 我本人演唱的中外歌曲的作品以有上百首之多,在这么多年歌唱的道路上一直潜心修行. 苦心专研在科学塑造声音这方面, 更在天籁K歌这个大舞台, 放飞自我的去实践,演绎过的歌曲, 基本都是上榜歌曲。请感兴趣的朋友点击,我个人的官方平台网
Kids Vocal Music (age 5 – 12)
Teacher: Yu Wang
Time: Sunday 3:25 PM – 4:10 PM


老师: 李健平
时间: 周日下午3:25 PM – 4:10 PM
把孩子培养成心灵手巧的孩子是家长的期望;手工班就是为学生提供了一个从小培养儿童巧巧手的实践机会;课堂上学生通过不同的小小作品,或易或难,由简单的材质,纸等通过一折一叠,一剪一裁,一粘一贴 得出心仪的作品,期间不仅发挥了自己的创作能力,并对做事的耐心,专注,毅力,坚持到底的习惯得到很好的培养。
李健平老师毕业于南开大学, 毕业后留校任教过几年. 由于对中国文化及对中国文学的热爱及对中文教学的兴趣, 除了教过大学的生物化学及在生物医学多年的研究工作外,并有十几年的中文教学经验,其中教过儿童正规班和双语班的中文, 及成人双语班的中文. 热爱文学艺术.     
Kids Art & Craft
Teacher: Jianping Li
Time: Sunday 3:25 PM – 4:10 PM

老师: Alex Arscott
时间: 周日下午4:15 PM – 5 PM
Kids Drawing
Teacher: Alex Arscott
Time: Sunday 4:15 PM – 5 PM

Alex is an artist and illustrator originally from Saint Louis with a passion for making digital and traditional art. He has been drawing and painting seriously for seven years. The course will cover drawing, painting, and digital art.

The teaching is in English.